Convert Number to Corresponding Excel Column

Batuta picture Batuta · Aug 13, 2009 · Viewed 13.2k times · Source

I need some help in doing a logic that would convert a numeric value to corresponding MS Excel header value.

For example:

1 = "A" 2 = "B" 3 = "C" 4 = "D" 5 = "E" ......... 25 = "Y" 26 = "Z" 27 = "AA" 28 = "AB" 29 = "AC" 30 = "AD" .........

Would appreciate some .NET codes (C# or VB) for this. Thanks.


paxdiablo picture paxdiablo · Aug 13, 2009

Here's some VBA (with test code) I strung together in Excel which does the trick. Unless VB.NET has changed drastically, it should work okay. Even if it has, you should be able to translate the idea into workable code.

' num2col - translate Excel column number (1-n) into column string ("A"-"ZZ"). '

Function num2col(num As Integer) As String
    ' Subtract one to make modulo/divide cleaner. '

    num = num - 1

    ' Select return value based on invalid/one-char/two-char input. '

    If num < 0 Or num >= 27 * 26 Then
        ' Return special sentinel value if out of range. '

        num2col = "-"
        ' Single char, just get the letter. '

        If num < 26 Then
            num2col = Chr(num + 65)
           ' Double char, get letters based on integer divide and modulus. '

           num2col = Chr(num \ 26 + 64) + Chr(num Mod 26 + 65)
        End If
    End If
End Function


' Test code in Excel VBA. '

Sub main()
    MsgBox ("-  should be " & num2col(0))
    MsgBox ("A  should be " & num2col(1))
    MsgBox ("B  should be " & num2col(2))
    MsgBox ("Z  should be " & num2col(26))
    MsgBox ("AA should be " & num2col(27))
    MsgBox ("AB should be " & num2col(28))
    MsgBox ("AY should be " & num2col(51))
    MsgBox ("AZ should be " & num2col(52))
    MsgBox ("BA should be " & num2col(53))
    MsgBox ("ZY should be " & num2col(27 * 26 - 1))
    MsgBox ("ZZ should be " & num2col(27 * 26))
    MsgBox ("-  should be " & num2col(27 * 26 + 1))
End Sub