Top "Excel" questions

Only for questions on programming against Excel objects or files, or complex formula development.

Excel formula to reference 'CELL TO THE LEFT'

I'm trying to do conditional formatting so that the cell color will change if the value is different from the …

excel excel-2007 excel-formula
Excel Macro : How can I get the timestamp in "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" format?

I am using DateTime.Now in my Excel Macro to show the current timestamp. It shows timestamp in "dd-MM-yyyy hh:…

excel vba
Count if two criteria match - EXCEL formula

I have this table and I would like to create a formula which would count values based on true conditions …

excel excel-formula
Hiding an Excel worksheet with VBA

I have an Excel spreadsheet with three sheets. One of the sheets contains formulas for one of the other sheets. …

excel vba ms-office
Excel column number from column name

How to get the column number from column name in Excel using Excel macro?

vba excel
"The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine" Error in importing process of xlsx to a sql server

I have a 64 bit windows 7 and SQLServer 2008 R2 (64 bit) I follow the instructions that are here to import excel file …

sql-server-2008 excel oledb
Progress bar in VBA Excel

I'm doing an Excel app that needs a lot data updating from a database, so it takes time. I want …

excel vba
Delete entire row if cell contains the string X

I am new to VBA and I am trying to come up with a way to delete all rows (and …

excel vba excel-2010 excel-2007
How to get current working directory using vba?

I am using MS Excel 2010 and trying to get the current directory using the below code, path = ActiveWorkbook.Path But …

excel vba
Excel Reference To Current Cell

How do I obtain a reference to the current cell? For example, if I want to display the width of …

excel worksheet-function