I have several workbooks containing calculations and I am making an "automatic overview" combining the data in all those sheets. To find the data I use named ranges. These work fine.
However there is one defined name that does not refer to a range. It is a formula.
What I want is to access the result from that formula (in an open calculations book) from my overview book.
Obviously wb.Names("myNamedFormula").RefersToRange
does not work as the name does not refer to a range.
gives me the formula, but not the result. None of the name's members gets the result.
I tried evaluating the formula using Evaluate(...)
but this doesn't work as it should be evaluated in the other workbook.
Does anyone know how to get the result?
ps: I know one possibility is to make the name refer to a range and then do the calculation there, but I don't want that.
I think you will have to use Worksheet.Evaluate rather than Application.evaluate (note that all references in the Named Formula should be fully qualified absolute references). Try this syntax for Evaluate
ansa = Workbooks("Book1.xlsb").Worksheets(1).Evaluate(Workbooks("Book1.xlsb").Names("AddNumbers").RefersTo)