Adjusting worksheet zoom level based on screen resolution

logan picture logan · Jul 18, 2012 · Viewed 20.7k times · Source

I have an Excel 2003 macro to adjust my screen zoom based on the screen resolution.

Sub Macro1()
   Dim maxWidth As Long, myWidth As Long
   Dim myZoom As Single

   maxWidth = Application.UsableWidth * 0.96
   'I use r because upto r i have macro buttons
   myWidth = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("r1").Left
   myZoom = maxWidth / myWidth
   ActiveWindow.Zoom = myZoom * 100
End Sub

When I try in Excel 2003, button size & its caption are not zooming properly. And Application.UsableWidth is always returning 1026 as width for either the screen resolution 1024*768 or 1366*768. Any ideas?

I want the Excel sheet to be fit in width if open in any system screen resolution


user2598456 picture user2598456 · Oct 18, 2013
ActiveWindow.Zoom = True

Yes, this is all that's required. This will adjust the zoom level based on the screen resolution. Refer below link for detailed information :-