I'm trying get xml data from webserver to excel, then I wrote a sendRequest
function to call in excel
When web-server having trouble, cannot connect or cannot find, excel is not responding, it was horrible! To avoid it, i think we should set timeOut. These are my function:
Function sendRequest(Url)
'Call service
Set XMLHTTP = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
'Timeout values are in milli-seconds
lResolve = 10 * 1000
lConnect = 10 * 1000
lSend = 10 * 1000
lReceive = 15 * 1000 'waiting time to receive data from server
XMLHTTP.setTimeOuts lResolve, lConnect, lSend, lReceive
XMLHTTP.OnTimeOut = OnTimeOutMessage 'callback function
XMLHTTP.Open "GET", Url, False
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
sendRequest = (XMLHTTP.responseText)
End Function
Private Function OnTimeOutMessage()
'Application.Caller.Value = "Server error: request time-out"
MsgBox ("Server error: request time-out")
End Function
Normally, when XMLHTTP
's timeout occurs, event OnTimeOutMessage
will be executed (reference #1, #2). But as in my test, OnTimeOutMessage
is executed right at the beginning of sendRequest()
How to use callback function when Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0 request is time-out?
Thank for your help!
The line;
XMLHTTP.OnTimeOut = OnTimeOutMessage
Is not a method assignment; rather it immediately executes OnTimeOutMessage()
(and assigns its useless return value to OnTimeOut
The equivalent line in JavaScript as per your example link correctly assigns a Function
object to OnTimeOut
for subsequent invokation - this is not supported by VBA.
Instead, you could trap the timeout error raised after .send
or use early binding, WithEvents
, & inline event handlers.