The Excel-2016 tag is used for referencing the spreadsheet component of the Microsoft Office 2016 suite released 22 Sep 2015.
Google should provide me with ample examples but none of them seem to work What I want: Everytime the user …
excel windows-7-x64 excel-2016 vbaI have been trying to create a windrose that displays the occurence of multiple wind speeds and their respective wind …
excel excel-2016 radar-chartI am trying to embed credentials into an Excel 2016 workbook for an account on my SQL Server 2008R2 database that …
sql sql-server-2008-r2 excel-2016I'm setting up a spreadsheet with the goal of allowing users to enter data by employee and date. I'd like …
excel dynamic excel-formula excel-2016 excel-tablesI have lots of sheets in a workbook, all with short names, so is it possible to reduce the default …
excel excel-2016I've build an excel addin which fills a worksheet with data from a database. I also add some styling and …
c# excel office365 excel-2016I have a small excel file that is launched by a scheduling app every 15 minutes. Functions in the excel cells …
vba excel excel-2016This is no programming question, at least I wouldn't put it that way unless I needed VBA for that. The …
excel excel-2016Strange behavior in Excel 2016 running on Windows 7. Please refer to the screenshots below: In Pic 1, the cell in red box …
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