Top "Excel-2010" questions

The Excel-2010 tag is used for referencing the Excel Version 2010 spreadsheet application from Microsoft.

How do I create a hyperlink from Word to Excel specific cell, without macros/vba?

In reference to Creating hyperlink from Excel FlowChart to MS Word Heading I would like to know the correct syntax …

hyperlink excel-2010 word-2010
Cannot VBA write data to cells in Excel 2007/2010 within a function

I want to set value for cells by VBA. I have googled, and see some resolution: Sheets("SheetName").Range("A1").…

excel excel-2007 excel-2010 vba
How do you figure out the MEDIAN of a column taking into account filters?

I've recently discovered that you can use SUBTOTAL for various functions which allow you to sum up or find totals …

excel excel-formula excel-2010
Opening different tabs of same workbook in different windows in Excel 2010

In Excel 2010, is there a way to open different tabs of the same workbook in separate windows? It's possible to …

excel excel-2010
Simple Example of VSTO Excel using a worksheet as a datasource

I think I'm running into a case of "the easiest answers are the hardest ones to find" and I haven't …

c# visual-studio-2010 excel vsto excel-2010
Protect Excel Worksheet For Read Only But Enable External Data Refresh

I have an Excel 2010 workbook. One worksheet imports data from an external data connection (SQL query). I have also added …

excel excel-2010 protection worksheet
Find the current user language

How can I tell the current user language in a vba program? I need this to show a form in …

vba excel excel-2010
Pop up the Excel Statusbar?

I'm developing an application for excel that takes a long time to run so it would be nice to have …

vba excel statusbar excel-2010
How to read a empty cell value using EXCEL interop api in

I am getting a System.com_object error if I am trying to read the EXCEL cell which is empty. …

c#-4.0 excel-2010 excel-interop
org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.OpenXML4JRuntimeException: Fail to save

I'm facing org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.OpenXML4JRuntimeException: Fail to save:an error occurs while saving the package : …

file-io excel-2010 export-to-excel