Top "Events" questions

An event is a way for a class to provide notifications to listeners when a particular thing happens.

Javascript/DOM: How to remove all events of a DOM object?

Just question: Is there any way to completely remove all events of an object, e.g. a div? EDIT: I'm …

javascript events dom
How can I make my own event in C#?

How can I make my own event in C#?

c# .net events
How to know if .keyup() is a character key (jQuery)

How to know if .keyup() is a character key (jQuery) $("input").keyup(function() { if (key is a character) { //such as …

javascript jquery events keyboard keycode
How do you log all events fired by an element in jQuery?

I'd like to see all the events fired by an input field as a user interacts with it. This includes …

javascript jquery events dom-events
MySQL Event Scheduler on a specific time everyday

Here's my query CREATE EVENT RESET ON SCHEDULE AT TIMESTAMP DO UPDATE `ndic`.`students` SET `status` = '0'; How can …

mysql events scheduler
Attach a body onload event with JS

How do I attach a body onload event with JS in a cross browser way? As simple as this? document.…

javascript html events onload
Is there Selected Tab Changed Event in the standard WPF Tab Control

In WPF, is there an event that can be used to determine when a TabControl's selected tab changes? I have …

wpf events tabcontrol
select2 onchange event only works once

I have a problem with the jQuery's Select2. When the page loads, if O click on the search result it …

jquery events onchange jquery-select2
Pass mouse events through absolutely-positioned element

I'm attempting to capture mouse events on an element with another absolutely-positioned element on top of it. Right now, events …

javascript html events dom javascript-events
Using lambda expressions for event handlers

I currently have a page which is declared as follows: public partial class MyPage : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void …

c# performance events lambda