Top "Escaping" questions

Escaping is the process of applying an alternate meaning to a character or set of characters.

PHP sprintf escaping %

I want the following output:- About to deduct 50% of € 27.59 from your Top-Up account. when I do something like this:…

php escaping printf
XML Entity for "/"?

So I'm writing some XML generating code, and found that the following attribute value was screwing up the XML formatting: "…

xml entity escaping sequence
How to escape < and > inside <pre> tags

I'm trying to write a blog post which includes a code segment inside a <pre> tag. The code …

html escaping markup blogger
In Python, is it possible to escape newline characters when printing a string?

I want the newline \n to show up explicitly when printing a string retrieved from elsewhere. So if the string …

python escaping newline
Using encodeURI() vs. escape() for utf-8 strings in JavaScript

I am handling utf-8 strings in JavaScript and need to escape them. Both escape() / unescape() and encodeURI() / decodeURI() work in …

javascript unicode utf-8 escaping encode
How to escape colons and other special characters in a YAML string?

I have the following YAML fragment: description: | "API for bean consuming applications. Examples: painted pony, lima bean" Swagger editor interprets …

escaping yaml swagger
How does one escape an apostrophe in db2 sql

I'm looking for the db2 equivalent of T-SQL's: INSERT INTO People (Surname) VALUES ('O''Hara');

sql db2 escaping
Angular 2 HostListener keypress detect escape key?

I am using the following method to detect keypresses on a page. My plan is to detect when the Escape …

javascript angular escaping keypress
Escape ampersand in PL/SQL Developer

I'm trying a simple INSERT statement against an Oracle database. One of the values is a VARCHAR2 field and the …

oracle escaping special-characters plsqldeveloper
How to print double quotes inside ""?

Can someone please tell me how can I print something in following way "with" double quotes. "Double Quotes"

swift string escaping