How to use ES6 import (client-side JS)

rrebase picture rrebase · Mar 2, 2018 · Viewed 11.6k times · Source

I am trying to use VeeValidate and the examples show the usage of ES6 import like this:

import { Validator } from 'vee-validate';

My understanding is that this works only with npm and not with CDN. I want to just write client-side js and not use node js. Do I have to look into something like browserify or webpack?

I tried to copy the javascript from the CDN link and just make it a local js file for importing, but could not get it working. Did it not work because I did not have export statements?


GLAND_PROPRE picture GLAND_PROPRE · Jul 7, 2018

Currently import / export syntax is supported by 90% of all users browser (

You can use it to "include" your script. The first thing to do is to put type="module" as an attribute of a <script tag> (Eg. <script type="module">)

Then you can import/export in your js scripts. And YES modules need to export a value (variable, function...) to be able to use it in another script, but this is optionnal since you can just execute script without the need to export something.


Keep in mind that is not yet a fully supported feature and you will need a polyfill if you mind about browser compatibility