I'm writing a simple app that takes standard input from the user. As for the email entry, I have it verify if it is in a standard email format and then have it list the problems like this when a new instance is going to be saved:
u = User.new
u.email = params[:email]
if u.save
redirect '/'
u.errors.each do |e|
puts e
I know that if it is correct it should return back to the home page. If it is wrong I want it to return to the home page as well, but I want it to return an error value (so I can have a pop-up or just something onscreen letting the user know that the format of the email was wrong). What would be the best way to do this?
You can use the 'sinatra-flash' gem to display all kinds of errors/notices etc.
u = User.new
u.email = params[:email]
if u.save
redirect '/'
flash[:error] = "Format of the email was wrong."
redirect '/'
Then you need to say where you want the flash[:error] to be displayed. Normally I put this in the layout.haml or (erb) file right above where I yield in the content.
- if flash[:error]
= flash[:error]
Also, make sure you include the gem and enable sessions
require 'sinatra'
require 'sinatra/flash'
enable :sessions
You could also try the 'rack-flash' gem. There is a tutorial for using it at http://ididitmyway.heroku.com/past/2011/3/15/rack_flash_/