EnvDTE is an assembly-wrapped COM library containing the objects and members for Visual Studio core automation.
I'm currently trying to iterate over all of my projects (sharepoint) to get all feature guids into an file. there …
c# visual-studio-2012 t4 envdteI am coding up some design time code. I want to use this snippet: (Found here) var dte = (EnvDTE.DTE) …
.net visual-studio-2010 visual-studio envdte visual-studio-extensionsUntil now, I have been successfully using EnvDTE to manage Visual Studio Toolbox. There are customized DLLs to deal with …
visual-studio visual-studio-2012 envdteI am trying to use PowerShell to automate the process of creating an n-tier solution based on a seed (think …
.net powershell envdteI would like use macros for publishing my webapplication project. The little problem is, DTE.ExecuteCommand run asynchronously, and I …
c# visual-studio automation macros envdte