Top "Entity-relationship" questions

An entity-relationship model (ERM) is an abstract and conceptual representation of data, information aspects of a business domain or its process requirements.

How to generate SQL tables from ER diagram in Power Designer 15?

I want to generate Sql tables from ER diagram in Powerdesigner ,but ,I don't know how can i do that? …

sql sql-server-2008 diagram entity-relationship powerdesigner
How is a context diagram different than a level 0 diagram?

What is the difference, if any, between a context diagram and a level 0 diagram?

entity-relationship diagram
Implementing one-to-zero-or-one relation in SQL Server

I'm using Entity Framework 4.1 database first approach. I've used legacy database. In my edmx file which created entity classes based …

sql-server sql-server-2008 entity-framework-4.1 entity-relationship relation
Database of bank accounts

I'm creating a database for a 'bank' and was just unsure as to whether my method of attaching accounts to …

database database-design entity-relationship account bank
MapKey vs HasForeignKey Difference - Fluent Api

What is actually the difference between: this.HasRequired(a => a.Something) .WithMany() .Map(a => a.MapKey("SomethingId")); and …

entity-framework ef-code-first entity-relationship
How to add a Map<String, Person> in an entity class?

I want to add a mapping as Map<String, Person> personMap; inside an entity class, where Person is …

jpa dictionary eclipselink entity-relationship
PHP, Yii2 GridView filtering on relational value

Following on from this: Yii2 how does search() in SearchModel work? I would like to be able to filter a …

php entity-relationship yii2
What's the difference in notation for total participation and recursive relation?

Does the double line in the following ER diagrams means total participation or recursive relation? Could anyone tell me the …

entity-relationship relationship
Deciding on foreign key while implementing one to one relationship in MySQL

I have two simple tables "items" and "orders". For the sake of simplicity lets assume that one item can only …

mysql database database-design entity-relationship one-to-one
EF 4.1 - Model Relationships

I'm trying to create a quick ASP.NET MVC 3 application using the RC version of EF 4.1. I have two models: … entity-framework-4 entity-relationship ef-code-first entity-framework-4.1