How do I eagerly Include the child and grandchild elements of an entity in Entity Framework Code First?

adolfojp picture adolfojp · May 6, 2011 · Viewed 30.4k times · Source

Imagine three entities (Customer, Book, Author) related like this:

A Customer has many Books

A Book has one Author

I use that data to print a report like this:

Customer: Peter
  Book: To Kill a Mockingbird - Author: Harper Lee
  Book: A Tale of Two Cities - Author: Charles Dickens
Customer: Melanie
  Book: The Hobbit - Author: J. R. R. Tolkien

When I query for Customers I get, as expected, a bunch of queries of the following nature

  1. A query to get the Customers
  2. A query per Customer to get his Books
  3. A query per Book to get its author

I can reduce the number of queries by including the books like so:

var customers = db.Customers.Include(c => c.Books);

But I don't know how to load the third level (Author). How can I do that?


tdykstra picture tdykstra · May 6, 2011

Also, it isn't necessary to use the string overload. This method will work too:

var customers = db.Customers.Include(c => c.Books.Select(b => b.Author));

For more examples see the EF team blog post:

And this tutorial: