Top "Entity-framework" questions

Entity Framework is a LINQ-based object-database mapper for .NET.

One DbContext per web request... why?

I have been reading a lot of articles explaining how to set up Entity Framework's DbContext so that only one …

c# entity-framework dependency-injection dbcontext
Can you use Microsoft Entity Framework with Oracle?

Is it possible to use Microsoft Entity Framework with Oracle database?

.net oracle entity-framework
How do I detach objects in Entity Framework Code First?

There is no Detach(object entity) on the DbContext. Do I have the ability to detach objects on EF code …

entity-framework entity-framework-4.1 ef-code-first
How to delete an object by id with entity framework

It seems to me that I have to retrieve an object before I delete it with entity framework like below …

entity-framework entity
Get all rows using entity framework dbset

I want to select all rows from a table using the following type of syntax: public IQueryable<Company> …

c# entity-framework dbset
Handling 'Sequence has no elements' Exception

I am updating a quantity in my cart, but it is throwing a Sequence has no elements' exception. And I …

c# .net linq entity-framework
Entity Framework - Unable to load the specified metadata resource

I realise that this has been asked a number of times but I just can't seem to get the bottom …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-6
Lazy Loading vs Eager Loading

Lazy loading in Entity Framework is the default phenomenon that happens for loading and accessing the related entities. However, eager …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-6
EF Core add-migration Build Failed

I have a developer that is getting "Build failed." when running add-migration in a .NET Core EF project, with no …

.net entity-framework .net-core entity-framework-migrations
Entity Framework - Code First - Can't Store List<String>

I wrote such class: class Test { [Key] [DatabaseGeneratedAttribute(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] public int Id { get; set; } [Required] public List<String&…

c# .net entity-framework