Top "Enterprise-library" questions

Microsoft Enterprise Library is a collection of application blocks and core infrastructure designed to assist developers with common enterprise development challenges such as logging, validation, data access, etc.

Enterprise Library CacheFactory.GetCacheManager Throws Null Ref

I'm trying to convert an application using the 1.1 version of the Enterprise Library Caching block over to the 2.0 version. I …

c# configuration enterprise-library
SynchronizationLockException + Logging

I just started with v5 of the enterprise lib and seem to encounter some strange issues. As usually I started …

.net exception logging enterprise-library enterprise-library-5
Cast error on SQLDataReader

My site is using enterprise library v 5.0. Mainly the DAAB. Some functions such as executescalar, executedataset are working as expected. …

enterprise-library sqldatareader daab .net
Cannot resolve symbol 'EnterpriseLibraryContainer'

I just started to try out the new MS Enterprise Library 6.0 Logger block. When I try to create a LogWriter, …

c# enterprise-library
Pitfalls for converting a .net 2.0 solution to .net 3.5

We're moving a solution with 20+ projects from .net 2.0 to 3.5 and at the same time moving from Visual Studio 2005 to 2008. We're …

.net visual-studio migration enterprise-library
How do I create a hierarchy of lognames in the Windows event system?

I am logging messages using Enterprise Library. I want some of these (typically errors and warnings) to be passed to …

.net enterprise-library event-log
Does Fluent-NHibernate support mapping to procedures?

I've been wondering if it's possible to have Fluent-NHibernate communicate with stored procedures that already exist and assign mapping from …

c# nhibernate stored-procedures fluent-nhibernate enterprise-library
How can I insert more than 8000 characters in a VARCHAR(MAX) column with ExecuteNonQuery?

I am trying to insert > 8000 characters (submit from a web page) via ExecuteNonQuery (and DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase() from MS Practices …

c# sql-server-2008 enterprise-library executenonquery varcharmax
Table valued parameter in a stored procedure gets execute permissions denied error

I get the following error when calling a stored procedure that has a table valued parameter as one of the …

.net sql-server enterprise-library
Logging Application Block not logging to a file

I have the following configuration and code, the writer.logentry is not throwing an exception but the file is not …

c# logging enterprise-library logging-application-block