Top "Endpoint" questions

This is a general tag used for all kinds of logic that reside in some receiving or sending scenario.

The Address property on ChannelFactory.Endpoint was null. The ChannelFactory's Endpoint must have a valid Address specified

I am getting the following error and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Does anybody see anything …

wcf endpoint channelfactory
WCF service exposing 2 endpoints on 2 different service contracts

I have an WCF service which I am trying to configure so that it exposes 2 endpoints, refering to different functionalities, …

c# wcf web-services endpoint servicecontract
How to set the EndPoint / Region for the C# .NET SDK : EC2Client?

In the JAVA SDK it's possible to set the endpoint, see here. But how to do this for .NET SDK ? …

amazon-s3 region endpoint
spring-ws: no endpoint mapping found

I made a simple web service but when I'am trying to test it on soapui its giving this error: WARN : […

spring web-services soapui spring-ws endpoint
WCF Json GET Service: Check that the sender and receiver's EndpointAddresses agree

I've been working in .NET for a while now, but I'm new to WCF. I'm trying to create my very …

json wcf get endpoint
Securing WCF service endpoint with custom authentication

I want to secure some endpoint of a WCF service, i dont know if you can secure some endpoint and …

wcf authentication endpoint
wcf endpoint relative address

I'm just learning wcf and can't understand one very basic thing. I'm creating a WCF service which I want to …

wcf endpoint
Java: using endpoint to publish webservice to tomcat server

i am creating a simple SOAP web service. i am to ensure that it runs on a tomcat web service. …

java web-services jax-ws tomcat6 endpoint
WCF, ChannelFactory, "Could not find endpoint element..."

I'm trying to call a WCF service from within another service, in part using an example I found here on …

wcf client endpoint channelfactory
know a usb device's endpoint

Is there a bash command, a program or a libusb function (although I did not find one) which indicates me …

endpoint libusb