rsyslog sending badly encoded (corrupted?) data via tcp (receiving using logstash)

Paradise picture Paradise · Jun 30, 2014 · Viewed 7.4k times · Source

My rsyslog logs locally correctly, however I wanted to also receive the logs remotely, so I added the rule:

*.* @@myIP:5141

to the end of my rsyslog.conf

To receive the output, I'm running logstash with the configuration

input { tcp { port => 5141 } }
output { stdout {} }

Logstash expects UTF-8 encoding, however I get the error

Received an event that has a different character encoding than you configured

The messages themselves seem to be garbled, or a mix of encodings, for example:


Note some entries are \u00, while others are \x. There are even multiple backslashes.

I was wondering if I messed up the settings somehow, or if there is something between me and the server which is messing up the messages?

I have also tried using the syslog logstash input, which gives the same result

Another example:


EDIT: I found the source of my problem, and it was encryption related. Unfortunately I can't disclose what I did to fix it, suffice to say John Petrone's answer below is good start for similar problems that future readers may experience


docwhat picture docwhat · Nov 14, 2014

So that magic string you're getting back that looks like broken encoding is actually the SSL Handshake request.

I suspect what you've done is (like I just did) misconfigured the tcp input in logstash. Specifically, I forgot to add the ssl_enable => true. So it was listening for normal TCP and got SSL Handshake and dutifully recorded it as garbage.