Set Encoding of File to UTF8 With BOM in Sublime Text 3

J86 picture J86 · Jan 22, 2014 · Viewed 186.4k times · Source

When I open a file in Sublime Text 3, at the bottom I have an option to set the Character Encoding as shown in the screenshot.

setting encoding

There is the option to set it to UTF-8 , which after doing some research means UTF-8 Without BOM, but I want to set it to UTF-8 With BOM like shown below:

UTF-8 with BOM

How can I do this from within ST3?


cdesmetz picture cdesmetz · Oct 17, 2014

Into Preferences > Settings - Users
File : Preferences.sublime-settings

Write this :

"show_encoding" : true,

It's explain on the release note date 17 December 2013. Build 3059. Official site Sublime Text 3