Top "Ember-router" questions


In latest Ember, how do you link to a route with just the id/name of a model, rather than providing all of its attributes in the linking page?

I ran into a problem when converting from Ember 1.0-pre2 to latest master (43354a98) and the new router, namely-- If …

ember.js ember-router
Ember JS transition to nested routes where all routes are dynamic segments from a view

We are writing an application using EmberJS. However we are still new with this framework and we're having a hard …

javascript model-view-controller ember.js ember-router nested-routes
Nested routes rendering into same template/outlet breaks on browser back button click

I have a nested route hierarchy that I need for my application to track user model selections. I'm trying to …

ember.js ember-router
What is the complete list of expected JSON responses for DS.RESTAdapter?

I am attempting to write a custom express.js based server for an Ember.js app. I am getting along …

ember.js ember-data ember-router
Ember.js sorting and filtering children of a hasMany relationship in parent route

Update #2 I found that when I refactored the filtering logic to take place in a compound computed property within the …

ember.js ember-data ember-router
How can a child route (or resource) access a parent resource's model from within the model hook?

Seems like in the case of nested routes, each route's model hook is called before any of the setupController hooks …

ember.js ember-router