The Magento Email Template If Statements aren't evaluating to true when I expect them to. Can someone tell me what's wrong? Take a look at the following code:
{{var customer.group_id}}
{{if customer.group_id}}Print true{{else}}Print false{{/if}}
{{if customer.group_id==4}}Print true{{else}}Print false{{/if}}
{{if customer.group_id=4}}Print true{{else}}Print false{{/if}}
{{if customer.group_id eq 4}}Print true{{else}}Print false{{/if}}
The output is
Print True
Print False
Print False
Print False
I tried putting quotes around the 4, but same result. How do I evaluate equalities with magento email template if statements?
I solved this problem by using the 'block' technique.
What you do is you pass the order to a block and then do your logic inside that block.
Although my solution is for a different problem the approach should work here.
What I wanted was to have a pay by cheque option and some extra text in the confirmation email reminding them to pay. I added this into the new order template:
{{block type='core/template' area='frontend' template='paymentstatus/orderemail.phtml' order=$order}}<br />
Then I created a file app/design/frontend/default/default/template/paymentstatus/orderemail.phtml
This has the 'if' logic, in my case I wanted to see if the order status was that for a cheque and only then remind the customer that their order needed cleared funds.
<?php if($this->getData('order')->getStatus()=='cheque') {
echo "<p>Please note that we will require your cheque to clear before we can despatch your order.</p>"; }?>