This might be my only problem. I get this message under my domain names in my account on mailgun:
Warning: Some of your domains (in red) have DNS configuration issues.
What can I do about that? I've tried a huge random domain name and it does the same thing.
Thank you for taking a look!
-------------------------- In case this is not my only problem --------------------------------
I am using with MailGun. I have all my parse stuff setup and I've made an account with MailGun and added a custom domain name with MailGun. Here is my iOS code:
NSDictionary *params = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"This is sent from your iPhone." forKey:@"text"];
[PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:@"emailGrocery" withParameters:params block:^(id object, NSError *error)
NSString *errorMsg = [[error userInfo] objectForKey:@"error"];
NSLog(@"%@", errorMsg);
This is in an example from parse. And I think this is doing what it should, as I get the error message in my log.
Here is my cloud code that is being hit:
var Mailgun = require('mailgun');
Mailgun.initialize('', 'key');
Parse.Cloud.define("emailGrocery", function(request, response) {
to: "[email protected]",
from: "[email protected]",
subject: "Hello from Cloud Code!",
text: "Using Parse and Mailgun is great!"
}, {
success: function(httpResponse) {
response.success("Email sent!");
error: function(httpResponse) {
response.error("Uh oh, something went wrong");
I have my actual email address in there as the sender and another known email address as the receiver. I always get the error response back. I have an actual domain and key in there. In my account on mailgun under my custom email domain names there is this message:
Warning: Some of your domains (in red) have DNS configuration issues.
I can't figure out what I should do about this. I realize that that might be my only issue, but what do I do to resolve this?