E-mail headers are the headers at the beginning of an e-mail that define various properties (e.g. `From` or `Reply-To`) of the e-mail.
I have a client which sends email using the smtp protocol. The client can be configured against any mail server …
email smtp gmail email-headersRecently AOL has started rejecting emails sent from my production server. Customers make product enquiries through my site and can "…
php email email-headers aolX-Mailer: ZuckMail [version 1.00] I mean is this custom-made smtp mailer? or X-Mailer header with custom value like X-Mailer:myMailer ?
php email phpmailer email-headerswe upgraded our version of PHP and are now getting the error " Warning: mail(): Multiple or malformed newlines found in …
php email mime-types email-headersI'm wondering what all X- headers in e-mails stand for. Are they really just a custom and everyone can make …
email email-headersI need to include custom headers in my outgoing emails. I'm using Microsoft Outlook 2010 and SendGrid SMTP server. In particular, …
outlook-addin email-headers sendgridIf you want to "Send Email On Behalf Of" someone else, should you use the 'Sender' heading or the 'x-sender' …
email outlook-2007 email-headersI've added the following code to our PHP Mail app which sends out emails: $email_header .= "Disposition-Notification-To: $from"; $email_header .= "…
php email email-headersI am piping an email to a program and running some code. ** I know how to get the "From:" and …
php html email-headersIf there is no access to php.ini (assume php -v >= 5.3 & mail.add_x_header = 1), or a way …
php security email email-headers