The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel provides a beautiful, simple ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database.
In Laravel 4, when working with many-to-many relationships as described in the 4.2 docs, how can I actually get Laravel to create …
laravel pivot-table laravel-4 eloquentIn some of my tests, I have a user model I have created and I run some methods that need …
php laravel unit-testing laravel-4 eloquentUsing Laravel, I have the following code $review = Review::find(1); $review->delete(); Review has a many to many relationship …
laravel orm many-to-many eloquentI'm curious why the Eloquent relationship for hasMany has a different signature than for belongsToMany. Specifically the custom join table …
php laravel eloquentI am trying to implement soft deleting concept. Here is my object: class Post extends Eloquent { /** * The database table used …
laravel laravel-4 eloquent soft-deleteI am using the Laravel Administrator package from frozennode. Long story short, I'm running into issues when displaying results that …
php sql laravel eloquent administratorI have a migration that has the timestamps() method, and then I have a seed to seed this table. Schema::…
php laravel eloquent laravel-migrations laravel-seedingWhen I execute a query via Laravel's Eloquent ORM, I want to get the row ID as the Array result …
php laravel eloquentHow can I define JSON data type that is provided in pgsql 9.4 in Laravel 5? I need to define data type, …
laravel-5 eloquent postgresql-9.1 laravel-5.1