I'm writing an elm program that should format its output in an HTML list. The function I want takes,
inputs = ["first", "second", "third"]
and outputs some kind of Elm Element
that is essentially,
Sadly, I can't find any built-in functions to do this. Perhaps the markdown
syntax could be extended to take Mustache-like templates,
* {{text}}
(sorry I'm not sure what the correct Mustache syntax is for an array-of-strings, instead of array-of-objects).
Raw HTML element emitting would also be nice. Thanks in advance!
Do you want to render in an element (i.e. canvas) or truly as html. If the latter, then you can use elm/html
renderList : List String -> Html msg
renderList lst =
ul []
(List.map (\l -> li [] [ text l ]) lst)
or in piping style
renderList : List String -> Html msg
renderList lst =
|> List.map (\l -> li [] [ text l ])
|> ul []
or in point-free style
renderList : List String -> Html msg
renderList lst =
|> List.map (li [] << List.singleton << text)
|> ul []