Top "Ellipsis" questions

An ellipsis is a series of dots, (usually 3, i.e. "…") used to indicate the omission of a word within some text, or more commonly that the preceding text has been truncated.

white-space: nowrap; and flexbox did not work in chrome

Recent update of Chrome breaks white-space: nowrap using text-overflow: ellipsis; on a overflow: hidden element. How to fix that without …

css overflow flexbox ellipsis nowrap
Does throw inside a catch ellipsis (...) rethrow the original error in C++?

If in my code I have the following snippet: try { doSomething(); } catch (...) { doSomethingElse(); throw; } Will the throw rethrow the specific …

c++ exception throw ellipsis
Truncating text and adding an ellipsis in CSS

I'm attempting to truncate a paragraph of text and adding an ellipsis after to indicate there is more content. I …

css ellipsis
CSS Text ellipsis including "More" link

So I have the following Fiddle that has set an ellipsis in a text into two lines. Then I want …

javascript css ellipsis
Meaning of the ellipsise options

I see that there are 4 different values to android:ellipsize: none,start,mid,end and marquee What is the meaning …

android ellipsis
css - multi line line-clamp (ellipsis) doesn't work

problem image I applied this class to h3 tag. .ellipsis-2 { $lines: 2; $line-multiple: 1.3; $font-size: 1em; display: block; display: -webkit-box; max-height: $font-size * $…

ellipsis linefeed
CSS/JQuery powered sideways scrolling text on hover

I have a twitter feed on a website I run. However, it gets cut off on small screens. I have …

jquery css ellipsis
Ellipsize not working properly for a multiline TextView with an arbitrary maximum height

I have a TextView with an unknown maximum height, which is dependent on the device's DPI/screen resolution. So, for …

android textview multiline ellipsis
using catch(...) (ellipsis) for post-mortem analysis

Someone in a different question suggested using catch(...) to capture all otherwise unhandled - unexpected/unforseen exceptions by surrounding the …

c++ exception-handling debugging try-catch ellipsis
webkit box orient styling disappears from styling

In my Angular app (I'm on version 4.3.1) I'm adding a CSS ellipsis after multiple lines. For this, I use the …

css angular ionic-framework sass ellipsis