I'd like to set the title of my app in my/config/config.exs
config :my, My.Endpoint,
url: [host: "localhost"],
root: Path.dirname(__DIR__),
secret_key_base: "secret",
title: "My App"
How can I read title
later to use it in template? Something like:
Title of my app is <%= ??? %>
I tried conn.title
and it says there's no such key. But, when I try conn.secret_key_base
it works. Why?
The get_env function is part of the Application module from the Elixir/Erlang core.
This function returns the value for a specific key in the app's environment.
Considering your configuration, you would access the title
property this way:
Application.get_env(:my, My.Endpoint)[:title]
The third parameter is for passing a default value when the config key doesn't exist.