Use filebeat or logstash to open gzip files

Swikrit Khanal picture Swikrit Khanal · Jan 5, 2016 · Viewed 7.4k times · Source

I might be asking for too much here and I think it's just not implemented yet but I have ELK stack setup similar (almost identical) to how this tutorial does it: ( So basically, I have filebeat setup on a client computer, and it sends all the log files in a folder to logstash on the server computer.

What I want to do is be able to have gzip files (with text files in them) and text files a directory, and be able to send them all over to logstash with filebeat. So I need filebeat to send a unziped file, or logstash to be able to look in the gzip file and get the text file inside it.
I looked around the web and this doesn't seem to be implemented yet, but most of what I found was with log forwarder and logstash rather then filebeat, so I'm just hoping maybe there is a way with filebeat.

I might just be being overly hopeful here. If you don't know a method to do this then I'd like to know too.


ruflin picture ruflin · Jan 7, 2016

This is currently not possible with filebeat. An issue with this feature request was opened here:

A potential temporary workaround can be found here: