Elasticsearch 2.0: how to delete by query in Java

curious1 picture curious1 · Oct 30, 2015 · Viewed 10.1k times · Source

I am trying to upgrade to ES 2.0. I have downloaed ES 2.0 and installed it on my Windows machine.

In my pom.xml, I have the following:



In my Java code, I did delete by query in the following way when using ES 1.7.3:

    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("");
    b.append("  \"query\": {");  
    b.append("      \"term\": {");
    b.append("          \"category\": " + category_value );
    b.append("      }");
    b.append("  }");

    client = getClient(); 

    DeleteByQueryResponse response = client.prepareDeleteByQuery("myindex")

I am hoping to replace this:

    DeleteByQueryResponse response = client.prepareDeleteByQuery("myindex")

with ES 2.0 way. Googled but failed to find an example for it. The online API documentation seems too abstract to me. How can I do it?

Another question: Do I have to install delete-by-query plugin in Elasticsearch server?

Thanks for any pointer!


I followed Max's suggestion, and here is what I have now:

First, when create the client, make settings look like the following:

Settings settings = Settings.settingsBuilder()
                        .put("cluster.name", "mycluster")
                        .put("plugin.types", DeleteByQueryPlugin.class.getName())

Second, at the place doing delete-by-query:

    DeleteByQueryResponse rsp = new DeleteByQueryRequestBuilder(client, DeleteByQueryAction.INSTANCE)

I also installed delete by query plugin by running the following in the root directory of ES:

bin\plugin install delete-by-query

I get errors if I do not install this plugin.

After all these steps, ES related parts work just fine.


&#220;mit picture Ümit · Dec 29, 2015

plugin.types have been deprecated in ES 2.1.0 (source). So the accepted solution will result in a NullPointerException.

The solution is to use the addPlugin method:

Client client = TransportClient.builder().settings(settings())
                .addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName("host",9300));