Here is my request:
POST /_bulk
{ "index" : { "_index" : "test", "_type" : "type1", "_id" : "1" } }
Here is the error:
{ "error": "IllegalArgumentException[Malformed action/metadata line [3], expected START_OBJECT or END_OBJECT but found
[VALUE_STRING]]", "status": 500 }
Basically, each document is {"firstname": ___, "lastname": ____} I don't want to wrap them into a parent field. What am I fundamentally missing?
You're simply missing an action line for the second and third documents, try like this:
POST /_bulk
{ "index" : { "_index" : "test", "_type" : "type1", "_id" : "1" } }
{ "index" : { "_index" : "test", "_type" : "type1", "_id" : "2" } }
{ "index" : { "_index" : "test", "_type" : "type1", "_id" : "3" } }