I'm using the Completion Suggester in Elasticsearch to allow partial word matching queries. In my index (products_index), I'd like to be able to query both the product_name field and the brand field. Here are my mappings:
POST /product_index
mappings: {
products: {
properties: {
brand: {
type: "string",
analyzer: "english"
product_name: {
type: "string",
analyzer: "english"
id: {
type: "long"
lookup_count: {
type: "long"
suggest: {
type: "completion",
analyzer: "simple",
payloads: true,
preserve_separators: true,
preserve_position_increments: true,
max_input_length: 50
upc: {
type: "string"
Here is my data:
POST /product_index/products/2
id: 2,
brand: "Coca-Cola",
product_name: "Classic Coke",
suggest: {
input: [
"Classic Coke",
output: "Classic Coke - Coca-Cola",
payload: {
id: 2,
product_name: "Classic Coke",
brand: "Coca-Cola",
popularity: 10
weight: 0
And here is my query:
POST /product_index/_search
"suggest": {
"product_suggest": {
"text": 'coca-co',
"completion": {
"field": 'suggest'
This works great except that I'd like to give the product_name field a higher weighting than the brand field. Is there any way I can achieve this? I have looked into this article on using bool queries but I'm quite new to Elasticsearch and unsure how I can apply that in the case of completion suggester.
Thanks a lot!
The Completion Suggester is actually pretty limited in term of scoring: you cannot do that. The only thing you can do is boost some entries but not the attributes inside an entry (see the weight
options http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-suggesters-completion.html#indexing).
That's because the Completion Suggester doesn't do a "real search" -> it doesn't use the index. It's a simple "dictionary" designed to do "prefix" expansions faster than with an index + inverted lists.
You should give a try to Algolia -> the engine is designed to answer to prefix searches in realtime + having different "weights" per attribute. Here is a tutorial to implement auto-complete menu targeting several fields