Top "El" questions

EL (Expression Language) enables the dynamic resolution of Java objects and methods in JSP and Facelets pages.

How to get session attribute with a dynamic key in EL?

If I set session like this: <% session.setAttribute("taintedAttribute", "what ever we want"); %> normally we can get session …

java jsp jstl el
How to create a custom EL function to invoke a static method?

Im new to JSF 2. My question is related to BalusC's answer to this question jsf2 ajax update parts based on …

function jsf jsf-2 el static-methods
Convert integer value to string using JSTL/EL

How do I correct this statement: ${model.myHashtable[]}. myHashtable is defined as Hashtable<String, String> …

java jsp jstl el
h:inputText which is bound to String property is submitting empty string instead of null

I have a JSF 2.0 application on Tomcat with many <h:inputText> fields to input data in my database. …

string jsf tomcat null el
Access the size of a collection in JSP/JSTL/EL

I have a List variable called services in my JSP page. I need to add some markup to the page …

java jsp jstl el
Representation of a simple for loop in JSTL/EL

I need to represent the following for loop (in Java context) in JSTL/EL. for (int i = 6; i <= 15; i++) { …

jsp for-loop jstl el
JSTL conditional check

On my current page I am using JSTL to check if data is available for my form. Problem I am …

jsp jstl el
JSP: EL expression is not evaluated

I have a JSP page running on Tomcat 5.5. I have the following code: <c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="10" …

java jsp el taglib
Expression Language & Eclipse warning: "items" does not support runtime expressions

i have the following JSP: <%@ page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib uri="…

java eclipse jsp jstl el
What are the differences between ${} and #{}?

I'm programming in JSF2 and NetBeans creates many pages with #{} that contains an expression. However sometimes on the web I …

jsf-2 el