Top "Ejabberd" questions

ejabberd is a Jabber/XMPP instant messaging server, licensed under GPLv2 (Free and Open Source), written in Erlang/OTP.

amqp or xmpp for real time online games

Which of these technology suite for Multi user online game project.. Project requirements: 1. Able to handle 2k-5k user at …

xmpp rabbitmq openfire ejabberd
ejabberd and Push Notification

I have integrate chat system in my iOS and Android app using XMPP. I have used ejabberd 2 in the server …

iphone xmpp apple-push-notifications ejabberd google-cloud-messaging
How to fully integrate XMPP on a web site with registered users

We have a social networking site where people have contacts and we want it to be integrated with XMPP. We …

php chat xmpp ejabberd
Delivering messages to offline users in a multi-user chat (ejabberd)

Actually we are using ejabberd server for one of our client's Chat application. Everything is working well except for Group …

xmpp chat ejabberd
mod_http_upload - HTTP File Upload (XEP-0363) using Ruby on Rails

I want to transfer image between users in my chat application. I am using an ejabberd server for chat. As …

ruby-on-rails ejabberd
ejabberd online status when user loses connection

I have ejabberd setup to be the xmpp server between mobile apps, ie. custom iPhone and Android app. But I've …

erlang xmpp ejabberd
How to filter messages in Ejabberd

I have Ejabberd up and running with test users, and its working fine. I want to write a module that …

erlang hook ejabberd
XMPP client using Smack 4.1 giving NullPointerException during login

I am trying to use Smack 4.1.0-rc3 for implementing a java xmpp client which connects to a ejabberd xmpp server. …

java xmpp ejabberd smack