Top "Either" questions

Either is a type used in functional languages such as Haskell and Scala to represent a value that is one of two parametrized types.

Using 'Either' in Haskell

I have two values, t1 and t2, of type Either String Type. The Left-value is used for error handling. These …

haskell monads either
How to split a List[Either[A, B]]

I want to split a List[Either[A, B]] in two lists. Is there a better way ? def lefts[A, …

scala either
Method parameters validation in Scala, with for comprehension and monads

I'm trying to validate the parameters of a method for nullity but i don't find the solution... Can someone tell …

scala monads for-comprehension either
Understanding how Either is an instance of Functor

In my free time I'm learning Haskell, so this is a beginner question. In my readings I came across an …

haskell typeclass functor either
Idiomatic error handling in Clojure

When I put on my C hat, I think that maybe idiomatic Clojure just does the simple thing and checks …

exception error-handling clojure maybe either