Top "Ef-fluent-api" questions

A way to configure Entity Framework beyond its conventions with a method chaining API

Multiple indexes possible using HasColumnAnnotation?

It looks like in Entity Framework 6.1 they added the ability to create table indexes via the new HasColumnAnnotation method. I …

c# entity-framework ef-code-first ef-fluent-api
HasOne not found in EF 6

I am very new to Entity Framework and I am trying to figure out relations. I have found this code: …

c# entity-framework ef-fluent-api
Entity Framework Code first: cycles or multiple cascade paths

I have a Booking class that has a booking contact (a Person) and a set of navigation properties (People) that …

c# sql-server entity-framework ef-fluent-api
EF Core 2.1: Self-referencing entity with one to many relationship generates additional column

I have the following entity: public class Level { public int LevelId { get; set; } public int? ParentLevelId { get; set; } public string …

c# entity-framework-core one-to-many ef-fluent-api ef-core-2.1
Mapping to already existing database table

I am using Entity Framework 4.1 code first to connect to an already existing database. The table that I am using …

c# entity-framework ef-code-first ef-fluent-api
Map System.Uri using Entity Framework Fluent Api

Pretty simple question. I have a model that has a property which is a System.Uri type. Uris don't have …

c# entity-framework ef-code-first ef-fluent-api
Generate a composite unique constraint/index, in EF Core

I need a composite unique constraint for my entity's Name property, which is unique per Category (for which it has …

entity-framework entity-framework-core entity-framework-migrations ef-fluent-api