Top "Edge-detection" questions

Edge detection is a tool in computer vision used to find discontinuities (edges) in images or graphs.

Sobel edge detection Implementation

I am trying to implement sobel edge detection from scratch but my output can't seem to match with OpenCV's sobel …

c++ opencv image-processing edge-detection sobel
How detect long edges of wall to prepare mask and recolor

Main idea is to allow user to recolor to specific wall based user selection. Currently i have implemented this feature …

android iphone opencv image-processing edge-detection
Can Canny in OpenCV deal with both grayscale and color images?

I have some questions about the Canny edge detector in OpenCV. Here is the code I tried. def auto_canny(…

python opencv computer-vision edge-detection canny-operator
Finding connected components using OpenCV

I am trying to find and separate all edges in an edge detected image using python OpenCV. The edges can …

python-2.7 opencv edge-detection connected-components
Faster Image Processing than Lock Bits

I've been working on an edge detection program in C#, and to make it run faster, I recently made it …

c# image image-processing edge-detection lockbits
One dimensional edge detection

Instead of edge detection of a 2D image, I would like to detect edges on every single row (i.g. …

image image-processing 2d computer-vision edge-detection