Top "Ecto" questions

Ecto is a domain specific language for writing queries and interacting with databases in Elixir.

cannot invoke remote function inside match : Foreach loop

I'm trying to set some property of User model inside a for-each loop, But I keep getting following error cannot …

elixir ecto
protocol Ecto.Queryable not implemented for

I'm trying to implement Guardian into my API and perform a login through it to get JWT back. The tutorial …

elixir phoenix-framework ecto
Disable Elixir Ecto Debug output

Whatever in iex> or using mix run -e "My.code" when I run the mix project using ecto, the …

debugging elixir ecto in Elixir and Ecto

I want to get the current date-time stamp in Phoenix/Elixir without a third-party library. Or simply, I want something …

elixir phoenix-framework ecto
Encoding a Ecto Model to JSON in elixir

I am going over the following tutorial in an attempt to get my head around elixir and phoenix: https://thoughtbot.…

elixir phoenix-framework ecto
Ecto/Elixir, How can I query by date?

I am working on statistics page of my app and trying to query data by date. To get the date …

datetime elixir ecto
Preloading Ecto Associations by default

Is there any way to preload ecto associations without explicitly using preload:? Something like an option in the schema? schema "…

elixir ecto
Setting up Phoenix Framework and Ecto to use UUIDs: how to insert the generated value?

A few days ago I started using Elixir and the Phoenix Framework (v 0.12.0) with a Postgres database. I'm trying to …

postgresql elixir phoenix-framework ecto
Inserting associated models in Ecto

I'm trying to insert an invoice struct along with its associated invoice items. I'm able to insert the invoice data, …

elixir phoenix-framework ecto
Data Types in Ecto - "value too long for type character varying(255)"

ERROR 22001 (string_data_right_truncation): value too long for type character varying(255) I understand (and assumed) that a string would …

elixir phoenix-framework ecto