How to recover corrupted Eclipse workspace?

Petteri H picture Petteri H · Jun 4, 2009 · Viewed 109.8k times · Source

I just managed to corrupt contents of my Eclipse .metadata directory. Starting up with eclipse -clean did not work out. Deleting .metadata and then importing all projects, plugins and setting does not sound too interesting. I ended up moving .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/ elsewhere and reimporting my projects only.

Are there any tools or best practices to recover workspace?


Victor picture Victor · Feb 27, 2012

When workspace is damaged and Eclipse cannot start, even using the -clean option, removing single file workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.snap may help (source: comments to article

Update: when Eclipse 4.X cannot start after crash, try to start with -clearPersistedState option; if it didn't help then remove file workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi (sources: Note: you'll lose configuration of your perspective/views/tabs.

Update: Subversive plugin may be responsible for inability to start Eclipse with corrupted metadata. If you have Subversive plugin installed, update it to latest build (at least 0.7.9.I20120210-1700) from update-site. Related bugs 372621 and 370374 were fixed by Subversive developers.