How do I enable undo in eclipse ant editor?

Ludwig Weinzierl picture Ludwig Weinzierl · May 27, 2009 · Viewed 17.5k times · Source

Undo is not working for me in ant editor in eclipse. When I press Ctrl-Z nothing happens.

Is it possible to enable undo somehow or is this a bug?

I am using Eclipse 3.4.2 (Ganymede) on Windows XP Professional.


VonC picture VonC · May 27, 2009

Yes undo should be working perfectly in an ant editor.
For Ctrl-Z to not workcould mean:

  • the shortcut has been assigned to another action (Windows > Preferences > General > Keys)
  • the undo buffer size is somehow at '0' (Windows > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editor)
  • a plugin somehow 'steals' the key event for itself

Try a fresh install, and check also with a latest Galileo (3.5RC2) install to see if the problem persist.

Note: zvikico mentions the existence of a known bug with ant editor in 3.4.2

After a quick search, the following bugs might explain your situation:

  • 267780 [ant editor] delete line cannot be undone after cursor has been moved
  • 247434 Failed to undo removal of line in Ant editor, only with 'Eclipse IDE for Java Developers', with Eclipse Classic you don't get this behavior

and finally:

  • 239115 Undo functionality does not work anymore in the ant editor, mainly because a WTP issue, only solved in 3.5