I have recently configured eclipse for subversion by installing the plug-in subclipse. Now the problem is that when I try to import folders from svn I get this error:
Folder " does not exist remotely
The url that I provide is of the form "svn:// ... " and works fine with netbeans. Infact I was using netbeans until now and things were fine as far as svn was concerned. Another thing is that eclipse works fine if I try to import from a test url that I got from a website during subclipse installation. So eclipse can import projects from http://subclipse.tigris.org/svn/subclipse but throws the above error for my url(which is otherwise ok with netbeans). I am using ubuntu 11.04 if that is of any concern.
Thanks for any help,
I had also the same problem. But now it is working fine.
Then select 'SVN Interface' as 'JavaHL'. Click 'Apply' and then 'OK'.
Thats it...