"SSL host could not be verified" error

Kagutsuchi picture Kagutsuchi · Jul 27, 2015 · Viewed 40.7k times · Source

Whenever I try to connect the git via eclipse mars, I entered the bitbucket URL as the instructions in this website.


The problem occurred in the step 9 which is in the website link. Then when I click Next, the following errors occur.

.git is missing at end of repository URL // I tried it but SSL verification error occurred again.) SSL host could not be verified. (set http.sslVerify=false in Git configuration)

How can I solve that SSL host issue and pass to the step 10 which is the website link?


pierpytom picture pierpytom · Jan 21, 2016

In my experience it seems that it happens under Windows with certain configuration of Eclipse (not sure which ones).

Go in Eclipse Preferences -> Team -> Git -> Configuration, and click "Add Entry..."

Put "http.sslVerify" as key and "false" as value (no quotes).

In the "clone repository" window put your user / password (don't leave "git", since there is no ssh-key configured under Windows, I suppose).

If needed, in the Git Repository view, check the properties of your new repository and double check that remote.origin.url has your username rather than "git" (otherwise during authentication you'll have a greyed out username textbox with "git" written in it).