even though there was no error when installing Subclipse in Eclipse. I won't see the SVN perspective at all? I have tried with "Eclipse Classic 3.5.1" and with "Eclipse for PHP Developers". After downloading and unzipping the packages I used Eclipse's "Install Software" mechanism to install Subclipse 1.6.x. I followed the steps described here: http://www3.math.tu-berlin.de/jreality/mediawiki/index.php/Subclipse_installation_in_eclipse_galileo.
But after Eclipse re-starts I don't get any SVN Repository perspective? I have tried to un-install/re-install all the software components many times now. Finally after 3 hours of trying I am giving up. Does anyone have any hint what I am missing?
I had the same problem. I use Windows 7 64 bits OS. I clean read-only flag of eclipse folder in C:\Program Files (x86) and give full access right to all users on my PC. I reinstalled it from update site and it works.