error in typeanumber - cannot be resolved

Hamzah Malik picture Hamzah Malik · Sep 22, 2013 · Viewed 17.1k times · Source

Im using eclipse ide and recently decided to try out the google play game services. Im following this tutorial:

Ive added the google play services SDK by downloading using android SDK manager, then copying the folder to my workspace. I then used file>import>android>project from exisiting code.

In step three it is adking me to import the typeanumber project. However as soon as i import it there are errors in it.

Am i doing something wrong?

Ive searched around but nothing seems to help


Shilpa picture Shilpa · Feb 18, 2014

Go to the project properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add External JARs (Under 'extras' folder select 'Android' -> support -> v4 -> android-support-v4.jar) Add the file and build the project to get rid of this error