eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse - maven command usage

roger_that picture roger_that · Jul 19, 2013 · Viewed 18.3k times · Source

I have a maven project wherein i am consuming a webservice using wsimport as a goal during project build.

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I build the project using clean install command. The artifacts/classes are generated in target->generated directory. So far so good.

Now when i tried to access any of the generated class in my src directory, i get compiler error stating that the class is not defined. My peer told me to build the project using

eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

I did and it solved the problem. I was able to use those generated classes very easily. Now I am wondering

  • what is actually happening with this command?
  • What is the use?
  • Am i actually following the correct way to consume? I know i can also use wsdl2java but what is wrong with this?

Has anyone ever encountered this type of situation? Please throw some light on this. Thank you!


Pulkit picture Pulkit · Jan 27, 2014

I am not sure the reason behind your problem " when i tried to access any of the generated class in my src directory, i get compiler error stating that the class is not defined. " But I can tell you the meaning of command you are using

As far as I know in maven we can define more than one goal at a time to execute so

eclipse:clean   \\Deletes the .project, .classpath, .wtpmodules files and .settings  folder used by Eclipse.

eclipse:eclipse \\build the project into eclipse project like structure.