Getting Maven (M2e and m2e wtp) plugins for use in Eclipse Indigo 3.7.2

user2575059 picture user2575059 · Jul 12, 2013 · Viewed 15.5k times · Source

I just installed eclipse 3.7.2 and was trying to get Maven plugins for it. I used Help->Install New Software and used this website to work with: I waited for 4 items to show up including:

2) Maven Intgration for Eclipse

3) Maven Itegration for WTP

and clicked those 2 (middle items). To my chagrin, the result was this:

The operation cannot be completed.   See the details.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: m2e - slf4j over logback logging (Optional) (

I saw that someone else saw this when they were on eclipse 3.6.2 and they no longer saw the error after upgrading to 3.7.
But, I would prefer to use 3.7.2 as it works well with other plugins that I need. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


mayhewsw picture mayhewsw · Nov 7, 2013

I've had the same problem. The latest m2e plugin no longer works with Indigo (3.7.2)

However, there is an archive page here: This page has a list of old versions of the plugin. I just successfully installed version 1.0 SR2.