How to create a own theme in liferay 6.1.1 using Eclipse Juno

nirmal90 picture nirmal90 · Oct 3, 2012 · Viewed 7.3k times · Source

I need to create a own theme for portal and it needs to be develop using Eclipsce Juno. I have decide to customize the classic theme of liferay and i need to know the steps in it and files need to change for this. Please advise and help in this


Prakash K picture Prakash K · Nov 1, 2012

Here are some steps which would help you become a theme developer:

  1. You can download the latest Liferay IDE plugin for Eclipse Juno.
  2. Then you can go through the official documentation for creating themes, which is concise and simple.
  3. Customizing the classic theme is all about taking the various templates (*.vm) or css files from the Classic theme and including it in the _diffs folder of your custom theme. Here is the source.

Go through the official documentation and you will understand the (3) point.

In short I will include how to create a theme project:

  1. Install Liferay IDE for your eclipse.
  2. Restart Eclipse
  3. After going through the steps given in this wiki or this official documentation on Liferay IDE.
  4. File --> New --> Liferay Project --> Give project name --> Select Liferay Theme as the option
  5. Click Finish
  6. Wait for a few seconds and your theme project is ready with the required folder structure.
  7. As you must be already knowing that Eclipse has a window where you can see ant commands, you can select the relevant ant commands to build and deploy the theme or create a WAR to be deployed on your server.
  8. The official documentation will explain how to use the folders that are generated.

Also I would suggest you can checkout the different sample themes available here

Enjoy Themeing!!