Top "E2e-testing" questions

End-to-end testing is a methodology used to test whether the flow of an application is performing as designed from start to finish.

How to simulate a drag and drop action in puppeteer?

I have React-DnD(Drag and drop) in my application. I'd like test it E2E. What I want to simulate …

reactjs testing e2e-testing puppeteer
How to login in Auth0 in an E2E test with Cypress?

I have started testing a react webapp but I didn't go far because I had issues with the login. I …

testing mocking auth0 e2e-testing cypress
Mock a service in E2E test in protractor

I want to write a functional test for my app, and I want to mock my loginService service, to speed …

angularjs protractor e2e-testing
How to organise unit, integration, e2e tests folder structure in maven for a Java project?

I have a java project in maven and i know maven puts thing conventionally using src/main/java src/test/…

java maven unit-testing integration-testing e2e-testing
How to run Protractor e2e tests with different environment variables (Angular 6)

In e2e test I want to have environment variable similar to the one as in Angular app. Looks like …

angular protractor angular6 e2e-testing
Cypress: type tab key

I want to test that my forms are accessible and that I can tab between my input elements. I found …

testing e2e-testing cypress
"angular is not defined" error while executing Protractor test on angular application stored in Liferay

i'm running on a Ubuntu 14.04 virtual-host and i'm trying to create some E2E tests with PROTRACTOR for and Application …

javascript node.js ubuntu protractor e2e-testing
Element is not clickable at point in headless mode. But when we remove headless from protractor.conf.js it is working fine.

element(by.className('cuppa-dropdown')).element(by.className('dropdown-list')).element(by.className('list-area')).element(by.tagName('li')).click(); actually this element …

angular protractor e2e-testing angular-e2e
Handling Hover over menu's using Cypress

I recently stumbled upon the e2e tool - I'm currently doing a POC for the firm I …

javascript e2e-testing cypress
Protractor wait for isElementPresent and click on waited element fails

I have a issue with my end2end tests. Sometimes they pass without any problem but two thirds of the …

angularjs protractor e2e-testing