Top "Dynamic-controls" questions

Accessing hidden-input values edited by JavaScript

I have dynamically created hidden input controls in a C# code-behind file, and then populated their values with JavaScript. I …

c# .net javascript dynamic-controls
How to name and find dynamically created webcontrols in c#

I am trying to add a unique name to each textbox that I'm adding to a table. I've tried: TableRow …

c# dynamic controls dynamic-controls
Validator nightmare on dynamic control C#

I have a requirement to add a RequiredFieldValidator and RegularExpressionValidator to a dynamically created textbox in a dynamically generated tablecell, …

c# validation dynamic-controls
how to reference dynamically created control in 3.5 with VB

I'm writing a program that inserts controls onto a webform dynamically. Depending on a variable, I add either a textbox, … dynamic-controls
how to generate dynamic <li> tag and hyperlink from C#

ok, so what i want to achieve is, generating li tag inside ul from C#, and put hyperlink button in …

c# hyperlink dynamic-controls
Insert dynamic controls into middle of controls collection

this is my very first post! I'm pretty desperate so I'm going above and beyond my standard googling. I believe …

c# user-controls dynamic-controls