Top "Duplex" questions

A duplex communication system is a point-to-point system composed of two connected parties or devices that can communicate with one another in both directions, simultaneously.

Prevent deadlock issue with WCF duplex callback service

I have a problem with a self-hosted wcf duplex callback service. I get an InvalidOperationException with message: This operation would …

.net wcf duplex
WCF push to client through firewall?

See also How does a WCF server inform a WCF client about changes? (Better solution then simple polling, e.g. …

.net wcf firewall push duplex
WCF Duplex Callback Sample failing

In an effort to hone some example services to be used as reference for our internal scenarios, I've created this …

wcf duplex
when to use duplex service?

Well, I know that in a duplex contract the service can send messages to the client, but I would like …

wcf tcp duplex
Progress notification in WCF for long running processes - How?

I have to design and implement a way to deal with long running processes in a client/server application. A …

wcf notifications progress-bar polling duplex
What does "OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel" actually do?

What does OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel actually do? How does it identify each and every client? I'm facing a problem in …

c# wcf callback duplex
WCF ServiceHost.Close() Delay

I have a simple WCF duplex TCP service that I am trying to stop programmatically. If I don't have any …

c# wcf duplex
Long-running callback contract via WCF duplex channel - alternative design patterns?

I have a Windows service that logs speed readings from a radar gun to a database. In addition, I made …

wcf design-patterns duplex publish-subscribe
WIA 2.0 Duplex property

I am developing an aplication with C# to use the WIA 2.0 library. At the moment I could use most of …

c# duplex imaging wia
duplex operation between two processes using named pipes in c#

I am trying to use named pipes to communicate between a server and a client process on the same machine. …

c# named-pipes duplex