Top "Dsn" questions

Data Source Name is used to define the connection to a data source such as a database.

SQLGetPrivateProfileString failed with

Typing the command: odbcinst -q -s on RHEL 6, I get the following error message: odbcinst: SQLGetPrivateProfileString failed with . All my …

command-line odbc dsn rhel6
PHP MySQL DSN Connections - How to enable mysql://

How do I enable this type of command on a mysql server and what is it? I see it client …

mysql dsn mysql-proxy
Creating a DSN-less connection for MS Access within Java

I'm building a desktop app that needs to communicate with a MS Access database. Now, unless I want to register …

ms-access jdbc odbc dsn
How do I create a passthrough query in access using a DSN-less connection?

I'm using DSN-less connections to my SQL Server in an Access database. However, whenever I try to write a "Pass-Through" …

sql-server sql-server-2008 ms-access ms-access-2010 dsn
SQL Server login works in a connection string, but fails in DSN

I have a web site and I'm trying to setup a DSN instead of using a connection string because it …

sql-server odbc windows-server-2008-r2 dsn
setting up dsn for a sql server express database

How do i set up a system dsn for a 64 bit sql server express 2008 R2 that is installed on the …

sql-server-2008 odbc dsn
How do I remove USER DSN when they don't exist in my registry

So my computer was recently rebuilt and all my settings were re-imaged to a new computer. This meant that most …

postgresql odbc dsn
How to connect to Sybase Server/Database without port number using DSN or RapidSQL? Or how to find port number?

I have Some Sybase Server/Databases. I know 1. Server Name 2. Database Name 3. Username 4. Password. Using this I can connect using …

sap-ase dsn isql rapidsql
Keyword not supported: 'dsn'

I am trying to publish my site on remote server. My hosting provider has provided my with dsn connectivity through … sql-server deployment dsn
What connection string do I use for Classic ASP and Oracle 10g?

I have Oracle 10g and have installed ODBC via the instant client. I am able to use the ODBC administrator …

asp-classic oracle10g dsn